Sunday, February 2, 2014

I can walk!

God is moving in Bulgaria. We see it all the time, in little things that happen all around us, and sometimes involve us. We see it in the seemingly random encounters we have with people - three different ones in the last week alone. We see it in things developing and growing.
Today, I saw it in something else. I was walking back from meeting another adoptive parent who just flew in (tomorrow she's going to pick up her new son, who is blind). She needed to go grocery shopping, so that she would have food in the rental apartment and wouldn't have to go out later without a guide - something I was happy to help with. As I stepped onto the escalator to come out of the metro, it occurred to me - I felt no pain.

You see, for a couple of years, I've been battling plantar fasciitis. It was an inflammation of the muscle tissue in my left heel, making walking painful. The condition was exacerbated by my weight - let's be honest, my obesity. The more my foot pain persisted, the less likely I was to exercise... and the worse my weight got, which made my foot pain worse.

But coming to Bulgaria has been an absolute kick in the hindquarters. We don't have a car, so we spend our days walking, standing at bus stops, and climbing stairs in elevator-less buildings. The food quality in Bulgaria is much better than in the US. The result of all that - I've lost a lot of weight, my pain has subsided, and I'm a much more capable servant of God than I was before I came.

Every day, God puts new things in our path. Some are new opportunities for service. Some are people who need a witness or a minister. Some are lessons that make us smarter. And some are obstacles which seem to hinder us - but serve to make us stronger. Praise Him for His wisdom and love!

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