Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Update 29Oct13

Hello, all!  I guess I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted on this blog (or our facebook group, for that matter)!  We're doing fine, and we're adjusting well to life in Sofia.  Lisa has had a fairly minor but painful health issue, but is doing better now.  I am pleased to say that due to the healthier lifestyle here - more wholesome food, lots of walking and stair climbing, and weekly Ultimate (frisbee) practice - I have lost some fairly noticeable weight.  I don't know exactly how much since we don't have a scale, but my Scout uniform fits better than it has in years.  Speaking of Scout uniforms, we are on track to officially restart BSA Troop 359 in January, and I'll serve as Scoutmaster.  Keep that effort in your prayers, please, as it will be a very interesting situation (and opportunity); we will likely have Scouts from at least 5 different nations, including Christians, Jews, and Muslims.  I am really excited about the opportunity to make a stronger impact on these boys' lives, and perhaps even the lives of their families.

We do still need, deeply need, your prayers.  There has been no movement on selling our house.  We're about to enter into the period of time where having both a rent and a mortgage is going to really put us in the red.  So long as the house remains unsold, we are unable to afford a car in Sofia, which is frustrating because we have to spend 200 leva each month (about $130) for metro transit passes, which is a good-sized chunk of a monthly car payment.  We especially would like to have a car for when couples and families who are adopting from Bulgaria fly in, so that we can be a friendly American face to pick them up from the airport and take them to where they need to go.  Thus far we've connected with only one couple (there is another we're meeting this weekend and two more in November), but I had to introduce them to Sofia public transit - which is not so much fun when you're jetlagged.

We're EXTREMELY thankful for a donor who provided enough funds for us to purchase a dryer!  With a family of four, we were being swallowed up in laundry.  Everything had to be air-dried, and we ended up with clothes hanging all over the apartment (which makes hosting a bit awkward).  God bless our friend and brother for his generosity!

I am very excited about something that's coming up in May-June.  We will likely be having a group of 4-6 missions interns from Oklahoma Christian University coming to stay with us for about 6 weeks.  They'll be exploring what living in a foreign missions context is all about, and it's my sincere hope that in that time they'll fall in love with Bulgaria and her people as much as we have!

Pray, please.  We cannot do what we're here to do on our own efforts, nor those alone of our supporters in the US.  We must have the blessings of God daily if we're to thrive and be a blessing in turn to the people of Bulgaria.  Thank you for your support, thoughts, and prayers!

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